Press Release – CCTTF Annual General Meeting

CCTTF 18th Annual General Meeting
May 9, 2019

加拿大華人乒乓球總會(以下簡稱“華人乒總”)於2019 年5 月27 日假列治文市某海鮮酒家,召開了第18 屆會員年度大會。會議主要是向会員彙報過去一年的重大活動和財政情況,并公佈了下一年的預算和工作計畫。
趙德瑞会长彙報過去一年的重大活動,並公佈了財務情況、來年預算、與2019 年工作計畫:
1. 去年,尽管我们的理事们尽了全力,但中国的青少年选手因为签证和其他原因来不了。
2018 年度的城市友谊赛只好取消。
2. 然而,我们的理事许京子女士与几位热心的会员,每个星期三下午在列治文速滑馆主办一个小型的乒乓球友谊赛。越来越多球员加入他们的行列。既可切磋球技,又可增进友谊。
3. 我們正筹办2019 年大温区及列治文城市友谊乒乓球大赛。将于今年10 月中举行。受邀选手将会来自中国的青島市、廈門市,日本的和歌山市、加拿大的爱民頓市及魁北克市。為了讓這赛事更精彩,我們決定邀請较成熟的球員參加。请留意最新消息。
4. 為了使我們能夠與會員進行更有效的溝通, 我們聘請了專業的網站設計師來提升我們的網站。這包括了网上支付会费。去年底,得到Harry Ji 的义务帮忙,收取象征式的服务费为我们的网站提供保养、升級和管理的服务;这包括網上支付会费的设施。
5. 杨丰收理事因个人理由回国发展,辞退了理事职务。为此,我们任命了两位能干的新理事。
谷世斌先生和Cindy Wang 小姐。
6. 令人鼓舞的是华人乒总这两年的会员日益增加、目前已有三百多的遴选和非遴选会员。
華人乒總是于2000 年9 月在卑诗省成立的一个非牟利机构。旨在推广乒乓球运动及协助加拿大乒乓球协会训练出世界级水平的运动员。使大众了解和认识这种老少皆宜、有益身心的运动。并借此运动加深各地的联系;通过乒乓球培养友谊。

Canadian Chinese Table Tennis Federation
18th Annual General Meeting
Press Release
The 18th Annual General Meeting of Canadian Chinese Table Tennis Association (hereinafter referred to as “CCTTF”)
held on May 27, 2019 at a seafood restaurant in Richmond. The meeting focused on reporting to members on the
major activities and financial situation of the past year and announced the work plan for the following year.
Mr. Tchao, President of CCTTF, reported on major events over the past year and financial information, budget and
work plan for the coming year as below:

  1. Last year, despite the best efforts of our directors, Chinese teenagers couldn’t come because of visas and other reasons. The Cities Friendship event in 2018 had to be cancelled.
  2. However, one of our Directors, Ms. Becky Xu, along with several die heart CCTTF members, they took in their own initiative to organize a weekly in-house tournament on every Wednesday afternoon. The effort was continuous without interruption and more and more players are joining them to create a very fun-filled afternoon. This effort of self-imitativeness is being recognized by all related parties including Oval senior management. As we speak, CCTTF BOD is currently discussing with Oval to consider extending a more generous and formal offer to support this effort of our Becky Xu and her group of volunteers.
  3. We are at the final stage of planning for an expanded version of our 2019 Metro Vancouver & Richmond Cities Friendship Open & Invitational Table Tennis Tournament in October. Intended invitees will include those from Qingdao & Xiamen in China, Wakayama in Japan, Edmonton & Quebec in Canada. In order to make this a more competitive environment, we have decided to invite all mature players from these cities to participate. All details, please stay tune…
  4. In order that we could make a more efficient way to communicate with our members, we have retained a professional website designer to upgrade our website whereby more new features which include
    online payment have been rowing out. In around November of 2018, through the effort of Mr. Harry Ji, he was kind enough to donate in a major way by providing us with a substantial subsidy to maintain,
    upgrade and manage our website with on line payment facilities.
  5. One of our Directors, Mr. Freddy Yang has decided to return to China for good. We wished him all the best of luck in his endeavor. Because of his departure, we are pleased to announce the appointment of
    two new and capable directors to our group through the Board’s recommendation and approval. They are Mr. Shibin Gu and Ms. Cinday Wang.
  6. In year 2018 till now, I am pleased to inform everyone that we have seen continuous growth of our membership. We have more than 350 voting and non-voting members.
    CCTTF is a non-profit making organization officiated in BC as of September 2000. It aims to promote the sport of table tennis and to assist Table Tennis Canada in building future top international champions from Canada; to promote this sport as one of the best instruments for overall health benefits; and to enhance friendship through linkage by table tennis with the rest of the world.
    The conference was successfully concluded after a sumptuous dinner sponsored by the Hon. Vice President
    Tom Mah.

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